Sunshine Blogger Award nomination











A big thank you to Liam over at Motion Picture Blog for nominating me for my first Sunshine Blogger Award! Check out his great site for thoughtful movie reviews, lists, and other features!The stipulations for the award:

  • Post the award on your blog
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions they set you
  • Pick another 11 bloggers (and let them know they are nominated!)
  • Set them 11 questions

Now let’s get to the questions Liam set for me:

1. If you were stuck in a room for 48 hours and you were allowed to watch one film to pass the time, what would it be?

My first thought was a cozy, nostalgic, feel-good film to comfort me in my state of locked-down isolation, which for me would probably be O Brother, Where Art Thou? or Little Miss Sunshine. But my second thought was that perhaps a good film for this situation would be a “thinker” film that really encourages multiple viewings so as to pick up on details or points you missed out on the first time around–Inception or another of Christopher Nolan’s heady films might fit in that category!

2. Who is your favourite actor?

Always tough to choose just one, of course, but I’ll have to go with Jake Gyllenhaal! Honourable mention: Brad Pitt.

3. Who is your favourite actress?

Again, it’s hard to narrow it down, but I’ll say Charlize Theron here, with an honourable mention for Frances McDormand.

4. Which genre of film do you most dislike?

Honestly, I’ve yet to encounter a genre that I’ve disliked completely, but I will say that I just can’t stomach some of the extra gory horror flicks out there!

5. If you could bring back one famous person from the dead for a coffee and a chat, who would it be?

I’m a theology grad student, so I’ll have to say Jesus!

6. What are your personal goals/ambitions for the future of your blog?

I’m always open to more followers and comments and discussion, but I’m content with the small group of fellow film bloggers that I’ve built up rapport with here and I’m just pleased I’ve managed to keep my blog going this long! Hope to continue to blog as long as I can though! 🙂

7. What is the scariest film you have ever watched?

Hmm. Tough to say! I need to watch more horror flicks! The Babadook is one that comes to mind-definitely gave me lots of jumps and chills!

8. Have you had anyone else write for your blog?

Nope, but I’m definitely open to it–hit me up if you’re a film blogger and you’d like to collaborate in some way! 🙂

9. Who is your favourite superhero and why?

Keep in mind I’m only familiar with the film depictions of superheros, but I’ll say Iron Man. Love his wit and technological brilliance!

10. If you could travel back in time and watch one older film in the cinema when it was released, what film would it be?

The very first motion picture ever made, if I could see it with the eyes of someone who actually lived in that time!

11. Are there any films you think are really overrated?

Funny you should ask! 😉 I’ve got a whole list–check out my Top 10 Most Overrated Films to see what films I’ve got on there!

Thanks again to Liam at Motion Picture Blog for the nomination, and for the great questions!

And here are my 11 nominees:

Movie reviews, lists, and so much more
Monday Morning Movie Quarterback
Jason’s Movie Blog
Reviewed by Brett
The Blazing Reel
Gareth Rhodes Film Reviews
Film Music Central

The Lily Notepad

And my 11 questions for those that choose to participate:

1. Favourite film starting with A?
2. Favourite movie title?
3. What music have you been listening to lately?
4. Dream job?
5. Favourite movie poster?6. Favourite summer activity?
7. Favourite winter activity?
8. Most memorable eating experience?
9. Have you ever walked out of a movie? Which one and why?
10. Most enjoyable grade in school?
11. Favourite movie director? Pick ONE! 🙂

Looking forward to seeing all of your answers! Cheers, and thanks for reading.



  1. 1. Favourite film starting with A?
    Jay’s : All About Eve
    Matt’s: American Beauty
    2. Favourite movie title?
    Jay’s: The Men Who Stare At Goats
    Matt’s: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    3. What music have you been listening to lately?
    4. Dream job?
    I’m doing it
    5. Favourite movie poster?
    Matt’s: The Dark Knight (with the flaming Bat signal)
    6. Favourite summer activity?
    making out at the drive-in
    7. Favourite winter activity?
    making out in front of the fire
    8. Most memorable eating experience?
    Guy Savoy in Paris – 20 courses, 4 hours, several thousand dollars = OH MY
    9. Have you ever walked out of a movie? Which one and why?
    Not that I recall.
    Matt walked out of The Ice Storm because he was too tired. And Hardcore Henry because he was tired\didn’t like it.
    10. Most enjoyable grade in school?
    They were all pretty okay.
    11. Favourite movie director? Pick ONE!:)
    Jay: Lord that’s tough. Taika Waititi
    Matt: Kubrick.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. you know, after reading your answers for questions 6 and 7, I was kinda expecting the answer to question 8 to be something along the lines of “making out while gorging ourselves on strawberries and melted chocolate”! 😉


  2. Thanks Joel for the award!

    Here are my answers:

    1) The Apartment
    2) R.I.P.D (eventhough the film was crap)
    3) Big fan of 80’s and 90’s music, so lately Ive been listening to Roxette and Billy Joel
    4) Have it because I can watch movies while I work 🙂
    5) Love the Back to the Future Poster
    6) swimming
    7) snow ball fight
    8) A all you can eat meat restaurant with lots of steak and other assorted tasty meats
    9) Rocky Horror – was extremely bored (was probably in ’92)… i probably should see it again one day tho
    10) 12th grade because I had a very light schedule and was home very early everyday which allowed me to work and watch lots of movies
    11) Very tough, but I’d probably go with Spielberg on this one

    Liked by 1 person

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