White Oleander (2002)


A teenager journeys through a series of foster homes after her mother goes to prison for committing a crime of passion. (IMDb)
Stellar acting and an ample serving of interesting characters sets this film up for success, with Pfieffer’s terrifyingly headstrong Ingrid and her wandering adolescent daughter Astrid (Lohman) at the forefront. Intense dialogue, poetic voiceover narration, and artistic visual montages showcase Astrid’s tragic journeys to and from three foster homes and visiting her mother in jail. You’re left wanting more from each compelling but brief chapter, but the drama remains delicious if not filling.
8/10 (Great)



  1. I think Michelle Pfeiffer’s Ingrid is one of her most powerful performances. Her eyes, which are normally a dazzling blue, are icy and cold here, and you wouldn’t need both hands to count the number of times she blinks during the entire film.

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      1. There are some good ones from Michelle’s heyday. She was Golden Globe nominated 6 years running (88-93) I don’t think even can match that streak!

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