The Martian (2015)


An astronaut becomes stranded on Mars after his team assume him dead, and must rely on his ingenuity to find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. (IMDb)
A skimming over of emotions and the consequences of time (particularly with the crew’s decision to go back) are the only standout flaws in this exhilarating thriller featuring a fast-paced back-and-forth between satisfying survival science-ing on Mars (Damon’s Mark adds a wry wit to the proceedings) and tense rescue-planning on Earth (a refreshingly diverse cast shines here). Any lack of suspense in the quickly solved conflicts of the first half is made up for in the nail-biting climax.
8.5/10 (Amazing)


  1. I loved this movie. It was great to see it in IMAX. I read the book before seeing this movie and (for the most part) it sticks with it. Yes, I agree with you. The first half sort of lacks suspense, but that ending was good.

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  2. I’ve seen this movie twice and both times it was just as exciting. The first half lacks suspense but makes up for it with humor! Matt Damon was such a good pick.

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  3. I agree that it all seemed a hit too easy in the first half and was glad when Watney ran into some real challenges in the second. This movie was slightly lightweight, but that’s not a bad thing. Definitely an enjoyable popcorn movie.
    Plus, it features the best smash cut to credits of any movie I’ve seen recently.

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