Allegiant (2016)


After the earth-shattering revelations of Insurgent, Tris must escape with Four beyond the wall that encircles Chicago, to finally discover the shocking truth of the world around them. (IMDb)
A great soundtrack makes things sound epic right from the tense first scene; unfortunately, it never gets substantiated by a story riddled with predictable (and sometimes confounding–see their premature celebration on top of the wall; letting Peter go at the end) characters (you knew David had a bad side), far-fetched revelations (see the genetic experiment) and technology (see the seemingly unlimited surveillance system), and contrived exposition (see the dialogue; Bureau entrance video).
5.5/10 (Poor)


      1. Haha….if they ever continue it. They cancelled the film and (rumors) are saying that it’s going to be a TV movie with a whole new cast. Such a shame….the movies had potential.

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      2. Yeah, it was a bit shock to everyone. Basically, Allegiant killed the movie franchise (look it up online). It sad that the Divergent franchise started with such promise and is now left incomplete. The last movie was suppose to come out this summer in June.

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