Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995)


John McClane and a Harlem store owner are targeted by German terrorist Simon Gruber in New York City, where he plans to rob the Federal Reserve Building. (IMDb)
Darker than ever, thanks to some super high stakes (see the school bomb) and what feels like the biggest and bloodiest bad guy body count yet. The former offers some great moments of drama (see the “fire drill” at the school) but the latter makes it a little harder to swallow the triumphant “let him burn” and “yippie-kai-yay” at the end. For the most part though, Willis’ dry wit (“attention! Nils is dead!”) and action heroics continue to entertain, and Jackson proves to be an enjoyable sidekick.
7/10 (Good)


  1. This is definitely my favorite of the Die Hard sequels, even though it’s nowhere near as great as the first. I loved the addition of Sam Jackson, and Bruce Willis is still entertaining as John McClane, but what keeps this one from being as special as the first is its pacing. For me, it just seems to drag more and more as it goes on. Still, it’s a pretty fun time!

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