Widows (2018)

Great cast, cool flourishes (see the car-convo tracking shot), but never gets into a good groove (maybe for a few minutes during its heist prep montage). There’s a grief-themed character study, a women-empowerment thread, a shady politics sub-plot, and a heist movie all thrown in there-all with potential, but focusing on just two of the four would’ve made for a more impactful film. As it is, it feels disjointed (the attempt at a plot-tying twist only raises more questions) and is hard to get into.


  1. Nice clean review. I’ve been dying to watch this movie because Viola Davis is among my favorite actresses and the trailer seemed pretty good. I can see how a broader story can make a film falter in a way that it wouldn’t had it just focused on a few less characters. Still plan to give it a watch!

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