Thor (2011)


The powerful but arrogant god Thor is cast out of Asgard to live amongst humans in Midgard (Earth), where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders. (IMDb)
It’s a little hard to get past the two wildly contrasting worlds, especially when the futuristic-space-viking one is saturated with CGI and cheesy costumes (though Elba’s gatekeeper intrigues). Story-wise, a decent arrogant-hero-humbled premise headed by the charming hunk Hemsworth (the supporting characters are largely forgettable) is weighed down by a cliche jealous brother/father’s approval sub-plot in space and a dull romance on earth (Portman’s strong scientist Jane feels cheapened here).
6.5/10 (Alright)



  1. I was actually surprised by how much I liked the connection of the two worlds! For I thought this was gonna be impossible for them to do. In the comics its a rainbow bridge that connects Asgard and earth which is even cheesy for comic book standards! lol. but they pulled it off good considering. Still, I can see your point of view.

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